At YALL we believe every player should be able to participate in the game of baseball or softball without worrying about financial hardship! T-Mobile has partnered with Little League to offer FREE REGISTRATION to players expe...
Join us for Opening Day Ceremony @ 9:00 AM on Saturday 4/26!
Registration for Spring BASEBALL and SOFTBALL is now OPEN!!
Save the date for UM Baseball Camp at University of Michigan Baseball Camp!!
Are you interested in Umpiring for either Spring baseball or softball?!? Make sure you sign up on our Google form!
YALL is excited to announce registration for COACH PITCH Softball starting Spring 2024!
Members of the Ypsilanti Parks and Recreation Board nominated YALL for the MParks Michigan Recreation & Park Association - Park Design Award!
Congratulations to the 2022 Spring Division Champions!
Are you looking for answers to specific questions before you register your player? Check out our FAQ page!
PO Box 970885 Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197
Email: [email protected]